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My 3 Rocks!

When I created Bizzzy, it was to teach these 2 little faces what our purposes on earth are, why God puts us here and to make sure we leave our footprints in the sand for when the day comes that we are no longer here.

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Thank you Ms Reier's grade 3 class!

I am so excited to announce Ms. Reier grade 3 class at Cyril Varney PS is hosting a book fair today with the monitary proceeds going to Bizzzy Bea's. The smiles on these children's faces show how happy and excited they are to be able to help our homeless friends with the basic necessities. Parents and teachers, please be so proud of the mini Bea's you are all raising. Check out the video here! 

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Giving back to the Community

Bizzzy Bea’s is so proud of how far we have come in just over 1 year. This was all possible through the never ending love and support we have received from the community. With homeless being our number one priority, we feel it is important to try and give back as a team to some incredible foundations and organisations that touch each and every one of us and our loved ones. Some of the remarkable fundraisers we have been honoured to partake in and are looking forward to doing are:The Coldest Night Of The Year, where we raised an amazing $ 846The Alzheimer's Walk, coming this May The Mud Run for Pink coming this September 

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Thank you for everything.

It took me a few days to be able to write this. My heart was and is heavy and I needed to figure out how to put it into words. 🥺 Thursday night I went out to do my feeding and my first stop is always tent city. I know them by name and we have had many great talks beside their fire and in their "home" safe space. Away from gawking and criticizing and rude remarks. 😞 Upon driving up my usual vision of their area was blurred by my anger, sadness and tears. Hours before I arrived a tractor had went through their area and piled all their belongings, clothes, shelter, food into a mountain of mudd. I...

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Close your eyes

and picture this.. You're 17 years old. You're scared of your father because since you were 8yrs old he comes into your room at night and crawls in bed. Not to cuddle you but to hold you. Not in the loving way a father does but in a way that makes you cry and showers you with shame. He climbs into the shower with you and makes you perform activities that will haunt you for the rest of your life. When you tell your mom she tells you to shut up and your lying. Your grades are bad, your testing with different substances to make the feeling numb. After 9yrs of living this torture, you decide to run. You surf...

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